Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing like homemade granola to start your day

After guiltily letting my dishes pile up in my sink over the weekend (yes, I'm one of the few in this country without a dishwasher that's not elbow-grease-powered),

I set my mind to washing them after a breakfast of homemade granola and pumpkin-pie-spice flavored coffee.

Being a celiac (gluten-intolerant for those not in the know) comes with certain difficulties, including finding gluten-free cereal that's not excessively cardboard-tasting or expensive. My extensive GF research has found an incredibly tasty (and very inexpensive) recipe for "naked" granola. That's the best way to go so you can dress it up any way you like, like with dried fruit, nuts, etc. If you want the recipe, I suggest you buy Carol Fenster's book 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes.
An pair of equally delicious GF books are Roben Ryberg's The Ultimate Gluten-Free Cookie Book and Nicole Hunn's Gluten-Free on a Shoestring.

I've subscribed to Nicole's RSS feed, too. I read it on my iPod's Pulse app every morning (Did I already tell you that in another post? I can't remember! :-$ ).

Well, it's time for me to get back to my "real" job. I hope you all have a great day!

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