Again, apologies for the long time between writing. I've had a LOT of new adventures, both good and bad, and am doing well. Tonight, I'm in the mood for a rant. I've been told that when you crave something, you must need it in some way, shape, or form, so here goes...

Sorry to say, I have firmly believed (for a very long time) that the human race is a horde of cockroaches (what exactly is a group of cockroaches called?).
Humans demonstrate and prove this to me time and time again, so let's tally the score for tonight.
I went to the local liquor store to buy a couple of bottles of Malbec for a multi-evening taste test:
The Trapiche is just as I'd remembered it... very black peppery. I'll do my best to remember to let you know about the Antigal.
There was a "young buck" who'd just pulled his Jeep (decked out compensator extraordinaire... #1) into the parking lot and left his radio on full blast (#2). I saw that the gentleman on duty was very uncomfortable with him and was more than happy to help me with my search. The "studling" (who was obviously already "on his way") brought to the counter multiple bottles of tequila and flavored vodka, including clementine, which he whispered in my ear was his favorite (#s 3, 4, and 5 for already being pretty well hammered and buying more, unwanted proximity, and being a total jerk). Then he backed up while I checked out and loudly declared he had to "take whiz so bad" (#6); the cashier must have given him a scathing look because the idiot apologized -- I could remove one of the count for that, but he lit up a cigarette as he left the store this making my lenience null and void and adding two extra strikes (#s 7 and 8) to the total (not waiting until he was closer to his vehicle let alone smoking).
Total: 8 counts in the span of approximately 10 minutes.
Tomorrow is another day... I'm looking forward to learning something new, aren't you?