- The proverbial long-tailed cat in a room fully of rocking chairs,
- Swimming in a 20-foot deep pool with cement shoes,
or even
- Trying to corral snakes in a 1950s vertical bar playpen.
Needless to say, I’ve come across an article in The Guardian that was very interesting: “Skeptics, nerds and atheists are on the march across the US”. In it, Deborah Hyde talks about going to the 5th Annual Skepticon held at Missouri State University. Other than the eye-catching term “atheists”, I think the main reason I visited that URL was a promo photo for The Big Bang Theory.
To read the whole article, click here.
I rarely watch TV and I don’t have cable, but I hate missing some of my regular season shows (mostly on CBS), one of which is The Big Bang Theory. The last episode where Sheldon (Jim Parsons) doesn’t stand up for Amy (Mayim Bialik) really showed me how NOT inept I am at interpersonal communication. With that episode, I’ve validated the fact that I really don’t need to go through the Interpersonal Communications Advanced Manual. Hurray!

Well, as much as I’ve enjoyed writing, I really need to get going. Curtains for a newly renovated family/dining room/library open space room aren’t going to sew themselves.