Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Do you ever get overwhelmed?

You know, you have a good balance of things on your plate; everything’s going well. Then wham! You get hit with a barrage of things to do that really, really need to be done as soon as possible, but because you're only one person and you don’t know of anyone else who’ll be able to do things you can under normal circumstances (pride in your work rears its sinful head), you fall into a trance-like stupor and keep mumbling to yourself, “I have so much to do, I don’t know what to do first.” So you sit there for a seemingly endless period of time and say/do things that really don’t make sense to others around you (unknowingly getting those “let’s measure her for that beautiful and stylish white jacket” looks).

Well, I got sucked into that swirling vortex, and I’m finally getting a grip on things, chipping away at them little by little, even though I’m still suffering from a rather annoying Herbert Lom/Pink Panther eye twitch.


Well, I’d best get back to the grind.

Have a great day!